My name is Tanya. I would like to thank you for your time to visit my online website.
Who am I? I am an advanced Yoga teacher, ERYT500 with the International Yoga Alliance and was certified with CanFit Pro as a Personal Trainer. I teach Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Core/Mat Pilates, Restorative, Prenatal, Meditation and Pranayama classes.
As a personal trainer and yoga instructor with over 3000 hours of and over 8 years of practical teaching experience I have so much passion working with individuals, groups and absolute pleasure in creating custom programs for my clients. I create custom programs that also include strength training, cardio training along with stretching and mindfulness.
A little more about me and how I came into this field. It was during my University years that I explored art, culture and philosophy while pursuing a degree in Psychology, satisfying a genuine curiosity in human behavior. While working in Human Resources as a recruiter, and teaching piano to over 25 children in the evenings as a second job I relied on fitness and yoga to discipline me and give me energy in being able to manage long working hours. It was during my role as a Recruiter that I witnessed the devasting impacts of work-related stress and burnout, and I decided to switch gears and embrace health and fitness as a full-time profession to teach and help others what truly helped me.
Fast forward to a WORLD PANDEMIC ...
We have entered a new world where Covid-19 has taken a huge toll on everyone. With worldwide lockdowns, loss of jobs and drastic changes to the economy as we knew it. From all of this, there is a period where people are adapting and transitioning into a new normal which is having a direct impact to our everyday life routines.
There is more fear and anxiety incorporated to the pre-existing stressors in life. These ongoing changes have been tough and has impacted every human being on this planet in different ways.
We are told it will only get worse.
What services am I offering to help you connect, cope and create meaning in your life?
As an experienced practitioner and teacher of fitness and yoga alongside a degree in Psychology I am here to offer you the best possible service as your Personal Trainer & Virtual Health Coach.
You can choose one or both together.
This is why I am here to make an online service convenient, straightforward and similar to what a personal trainer would do face – to – face.
If you are having a hard time coping right now, I am here to help you! No matter where you are, you can connect with me online in the comfort of your own home.